Alexandra Infante Perales


Alexandra Infante Perales

Executive Director of Perú Voluntario and CEO of IKIGAI Social Lab, Peru


Alexandra Infante Perales is Executive Director of Perú Voluntario and CEO of IKIGAI Social Lab. Alexandra is an economist, life coach and meditation teacher with more than 14 years of experience in designing and implementing volunteering programs within the corporate sector, government, academia and civil society. In 2007, Alexandra cofounded UNIVAS, the volunteering program of the University of Piura. In 2012, Alexandra cofounded Educa.Impacta.Crece, a non-profit organization focused on socio emotional learning for children in Peru. In 2015, Alexandra led Banco de Crédito del Perú’s corporate volunteering program, focused on education and with the participation of +2,000 volunteers. In 2017, Alexandra cofounded IKIGAI Laboratorio Social, a social lab focused on designing high-impact social programs. Also in 2017, Alexandra worked with the Peruvian government on the design of the national volunteering program. In 2020, Alexandra cofounded Perú Voluntario, the first formal national volunteering network in the country, whose goal is to promote and integrate volunteering through the already existing platforms and networks. It seeks to unite and promote volunteering in Perú with fairness, providing training and creating opportunities.